How Stress Can Affect Your Body
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How Stress Can Affect Your Body, Not Just Your Mind

Stress is caused by a change in your environment, affecting you either mentally, emotionally, or physically. This can include changes in a relationship, a heavy load at work, physical ailments from exercise, moving to a new city, and other similar situations. Stress is not only exhausting mentally but physically as well.

Some people may not realize that although stress may start as an emotion, it can cause damage to your body. This damage includes stress headaches, raised blood pressure resulting in cardiac issues and chest pain, changes in sleep patterns, and sleep deprivation. Furthermore, stress can manifest physically and cause you to develop digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, and nausea, skin rashes, hair loss, and weight gain.

So, what exactly is stress and why does it affect us? Stress itself is a hormone, specifically known as cortisol, and is released into the body when in a tough or dangerous situation. If we are in a constant state of change and unease, our bodies are releasing large amounts of cortisol into our bodies. Along with the mental and physical issues that this causes, it can also result in a hormonal imbalance - bringing its own array of health issues including mood swings, night sweats, fatigue, decreased sexual function, and more.

There are many ways to relieve stress naturally. One easy way to reduce stress is to drink tea. Certain teas like chamomile and lavender can help you relax and stay calm in times when your stress levels are rising. Using lavender around your home either in plant form or as an essential oil can make your personal space a stress free zone.

You can also take supplements to help relieve stress. These supplements include melatonin to help with sleep, magnesium to help with nerve and muscle function, valerian root used to commonly treat insomnia, anxiety, and stress, and vitamin b-complex which aids in cell metabolism.

Another option is to try meditation or yoga. Both meditation and yoga allow you to release any negative feelings, or any outside influences that are causing you stress - it also helps you focus on the present. You can additionally keep up a regular exercise routine which can help you blow off steam when things are getting a little too hard to handle. Finally, always make sure to get plenty of sleep and spend your free time doing the things you enjoy.

You can also try hormone replacement therapy to help with stress and hormonal imbalance. At LongevityMed, your health is our priority. We can help you get on the right path to better health through lifestyle changes, nutrition recommendations, and supplementation. We also offer hormone replacement therapy. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.