Lose Fat and Feel Great This Summer
06 / 21 / 19

Lose Fat and Feel Great This Summer Using These 3 Moves

Belly fat is common, especially as you age. For many people, belly fat can be the most stubborn area to lose weight, even if you're doing everything right. There are two types of belly fat; subcutaneous, which sits right under the skin, and visceral which is in deeper and surrounds your organs - this is where the stubborn belly fat lives. Belly fat can come from a number of lifestyle factors including a lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, and stress. Belly fat can also arise from natural causes, like genetics and hormones.

You can help fight off stubborn belly fat by eating a healthy diet, getting your hormones checked, getting plenty of sleep, and adding exercise into your daily routine. Here are 3 killer moves to help you burn off that unwanted and stubborn belly fat to help you look and feel great this summer:

Short distance sprints

Running sprints can burn anywhere between 400-500 calories in just 30 minutes. Sprints can also help tone your legs and core, as well as increase agility and balance. Choose a short distance, 50-100 yards, and explode off the line to start your sprint. Repeat.


This gives you a full-body workout, plus cardio. Start by standing straight, jump up with your arms above your head, and follow by jumping down into a pushup position, placing your hands on the ground first and then kicking your legs back to achieve the pushup position. Repeat this move.

Medicine ball slams

Choose a medicine ball weight that fits you best. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent slightly. Hold the medicine ball over your head and then slam it down to the ground with force, using your core muscles to propel the ball down. Repeat this move and increase weight as needed.

You'll be feeling and looking great in no time! Make sure you check with your doctor before adding any new exercise program. At LongevityMed, our number one priority is your health. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. We want to help you on your journey to better health and longer life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.