Connection Between HRT and Weight Loss
06 / 24 / 19

The Connection Between HRT and Weight Loss

For both women and men, a hormonal imbalance can cause weight gain. This is a common and natural thing that happens as you age - either your body is not producing enough of a specific hormone, or producing too much of one. Hormones help us control the way our body responds to certain stimuli - like how we digest the food we eat, how often we exercise if we get enough sleep, and if we are too stressed. All of these factors can play a serious role in keeping your body at a healthy weight.

If your body is having trouble breaking down the food you eat, your metabolism will start working more slowly. If you stop exercising, your body will lose lean muscle mass and gain fat. If you don’t get enough sleep or if you are under a lot of stress, your body will not be able to recover and heal. All of these factors will cause you to gain unwanted weight.

For many people, Hormone Replacement Therapy, otherwise known as HRT, has been effective in treating hormonal imbalance and hormone deficiency. HRT treatment can ultimately help get your weight under control, as well as help resolve other health problems such as the ones listed above.

At LongevityMed, we believe that HRT using BioNatural Hormones is the key factor in balancing your hormones and helping you get back to feeling good and living a healthy lifestyle. HRT, if started early enough, can also help prevent future health issues from being overweight such as obesity and metabolic syndrome.

On top of helping with weight loss, hormone replacement therapy has many other benefits as well. For women, therapy can help women build lean muscle, it can improve sleep quality and boost metabolism, and it can give more energy and an overall feeling of well-being. HRT can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis, breast and other cancers, and heart disease.

For men, testosterone therapy can help them regain their youthfulness and increase energy, stamina, strength, fitness, and overall well-being. Hormone deficiency can cause some health conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatigue, high blood pressure, and sexual dysfunction, along with others. HTR can help prevent and regulate these issues as well as increase muscle strength, recharge sexual potency and libido, build a healthier metabolism, create more energy, and reduce cholesterol levels.

It's always a great idea to get tested to see if your hormones are out of balance. Having a hormonal imbalance is easy to treat, yet if left alone can cause a number of unwanted health issues - including weight gain. At LongevityMed, we can help you get back on track with HRT and weight loss services. It's what we do every day and our specialty. Take our hormone test for Men or Women, or contact us today to schedule a consultation.