Unseen Health Risks
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Unseen Health Risks We All Should Know

We are all under assault on a daily basis from toxins. That’s right, toxins are found in our air, food, water, household cleaning liquids, second-hand smoke and even our clothing. The list of toxic materials in and around us in our daily lives is enormous. These toxins can cause a litany of problems and changes for us physically and emotionally by impacting our immune function, brain function, hormonal balance and changes and can even cause cancers. The good news? The body has a natural ability to rid itself of many toxins, but amounts ingested impact will this process.

A major delivery system for unseen toxins in our lives? Our food supply. More than 3000 chemicals are used as additives in foods we consume. Many of these chemicals can remain in us systemically for years.

Remember...we are what we eat.

We ignore these toxins and their potential impact on our bodies at our own peril. Ignorance is NOT bliss! So, what can we do?

Educate yourself...

Begin with your nutrition. Know and choose real (organic) foods whenever possible. Avoid processed foods. Read labels always, looking for additives with names such as caseinate, glutamates, fructose, MSG, Trans Fat, Food Color and Sodium Nitrate that should be avoided whenever possible. Learn the items used in processing to avoid when choosing foods.

Our immune system is the machine that protects us from disease. Fueling it correctly, with healthy foods gives it the advantage of strength, allowing it to work at overcoming illness and medical conditions that are a threat to our well being, and perhaps our longevity.

Know the connection between Hormones and the Immune System

Along with what we put into our bodies to strengthen our immune system is the balance of hormones and its role in overall health. Adrenal, Thyroid, Estrogen Progesterone and testosterone levels all impact our bodies ability to fight disease. Hormonal balance is a critical factor in maintaining overall health.

Schedule a consultation at LongevityMed today to review your lifestyle and hormonal risks impacting your health and wellbeing.