hormone replacement therapy women video

Do you remember how you felt when you were in your twenties? If you’re like most women, you remember that season of your life as one in which you had boundless energy, robust stamina, and an active sex drive. Maybe sometimes you find yourself looking back on those days, wishing you could feel that energetic and alive again.

Most women experience a sharp drop-off in hormone production as they get older, even before they reach the age of menopause. Decreased hormone production makes it all but impossible to feel like your best self, or to experience life at its fullest.

Hormone therapy provides a way to reclaim the energy and vitality of your youth. We’re proud to offer HRT for women here at LongevityMed in Raleigh, NC. Through this treatment, we provide women with a customized slate of hormones, all of which are biologically identical to the ones naturally produced by the body. Through these added hormones, our patients can feel themselves becoming more youthful, vigorous, and refreshed.

Through a customized HRT program, women can enjoy a number of health benefits. Some possible effects include:

  • An improved level of personal wellbeing
  • Elimination of hot flashes and night sweats
  • Improved sexual health and desire
  • Improved metabolism
  • A better night’s sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Lowered risk for osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer

As with everything we do, HRT for women is completely personalized. There’s no cookie-cutter approach to your physical and emotional health. Instead, we’ll get to know your hormonal needs through careful lab work, and by talking with you about what you hope to achieve through treatment. From there, our clinicians can develop the lineup of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones that are right for you.

You don’t have to dream about feeling like you’re young again. You can actually make it happen by pursuing a personalized HRT program, right here at LongevityMed.

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