3 Ways to Improve Your Balance
08 / 14 / 18

3 Ways to Improve Your Balance

As we age, our bodies naturally lose lean muscle mass and our bones become less dense. Because of this, it's not uncommon for those in the aging population to fall or lose balance, which often can result in an injury. However, there are ways to protect yourself by staying in shape.

Here are 3 easy ways to help improve your balance:

  1. Focus on Your Core
    Doing exercises that focus on strengthening your abs and back will help keep you strong and sturdy. Having a strong core is not only important for balance but the overall athletic ability as well. You can do sit-ups, planks, and lower back curls to keep your core in good shape.
  2. Practice Yoga
    Practicing yoga is one of the best ways to improve your balance. Yoga aims to focus on your breath while holding difficult poses - sometimes balancing on one leg standing in an uncomfortable position. Learning the practice of yoga can improve your balance as well as your strength and flexibility.
  3. Take a Tai Chi Class
    Tai Chi is a form of Chinese martial arts that focuses both on physical and mental fitness through the movement of energy. This class is great for balance because all the moves are done in an upright position, allowing you to strengthen your legs and core to help keep you upright and on your feet.

At LongevityMed, we want to help you live a healthy life. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. We can help you get on the right path to better health through nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Schedule a consultation today!