5 Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance
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5 Surprising Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is when your hormones are out of whack. Either your body is not producing enough of a specific hormone or producing too much of one. Having a hormonal imbalance is common, and happens a lot as we age and it can happen to both men and women.

When you think of having a hormonal imbalance, some obvious symptoms may come to mind. For men, these symptoms might include low t, erectile dysfunction, and for women, the symptoms might include menopause or infertility. However, having a hormonal imbalance comes along with many other symptoms and side effects.

Here are 5 surprising symptoms of a hormonal imbalance for both men and women:

  1. Loss of lean muscle mass 
  2. Fatigue
  3. Mood swings
  4. Weight gain
  5. Change in sleep patterns

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should get tested to see if your hormones are out of balance. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is an alternative therapy to help with anti-aging health and longevity, as well as getting your hormones back in balance.

The benefit of HRT is that is can help you increase energy levels, improve sleep quality, and help you feel younger and healthier, as well as help with other underlying issues. It can help both men and women build lean muscle, boost metabolism, increase sex drive, and more.

At LongevityMed, we can help you get back on track with HRT. It's what we do every day and our specialty. Take our hormone test for Men or Women, or schedule a consultation today!