Diet and Supplementation to Help With Weight Loss
07 / 18 / 17

Diet and Supplementation to Help With Weight Loss

Losing weight is hard and is something many people struggle with. If you're overweight, you're not alone - more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Weight loss is more than just exercise but diet as well. Eating a healthy diet and taking certain supplements can be the game-changer when it comes to slimming down. Watching what you eat, maintaining a well-rounded diet, and adding in daily supplements can help you lose weight.

Starting a diet rich in lean proteins like chicken and fish, fruits, berries, green vegetables, whole grains, eggs, nuts, and seeds is a great way to get on track to losing unwanted weight. Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard - most healthy foods can taste great too. It's best to eat a few small meals a day, typically eating the same things over and over. It's also good to avoid white carbohydrates. Swapping out fried food, processed food, and added sugar for lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and natural sweeteners like honey is a big change. Changing how you eat is more than just a change in diet, but a lifestyle change as well.

Adding supplements to your daily routine is also a great way to start dropping those extra pounds. Recommended supplements include Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), probiotics, digestive enzymes, multivitamins, and vitamin D3. These supplements can help regulate your digestive system as well as keep your immune system working properly.

LongevityMed specializes in treating obesity and related illnesses like Metabolic Syndrome. We can help you lose weight in a healthy way, as well as help lower your blood pressure and get on the right track to a healthier lifestyle with diet, exercise, and supplementation. If you think you may be overweight or suffering from obesity, take our weight loss test to get started, or schedule a consultation today!