How to Fight Dehydration
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How to Fight Dehydration

Dehydration is when your body is losing more fluids than it’s taking in. This can happen if you’re not drinking enough water throughout the day, especially if you exercise, or if you become sick and experience vomiting or diarrhea without being able to replenish the fluids you’ve lost.

It’s important to always stay hydrated and closely monitor your health if you do become dehydrated. It can be worse in infants, children, and older adults; however, can still affect those of all ages. Symptoms include dry mouth, dry skin, feeling thirsty, fatigue, light-headedness, confusion, increased heart rate and heavy breathing, and dark urine. In severe cases, dehydration can lead to heatstroke or fainting.

To treat dehydration, simply start by drinking fluids. Many sports drinks can help restore body fluids as well because they contain electrolytes and salt balance. However, be mindful not to drink something that’s filled with sugar. If your dehydration worsens, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Water isn't only helpful in keeping you hydrated - it’s what keeps you alive. Water plays a key role in keeping the circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems healthy and running smoothly. Drinking water can help you lose weight. It boosts your metabolism and can help keep your digestive system working properly. It can also help flush out toxins in the body and help keep your skin clear and healthy. Water can keep your body temperature regulated, and help keep your pH balance in check. Water also has the power to help with chronic pain like rheumatoid arthritis, backaches, and osteoporosis.

At LongevityMed, we want to help you live a healthy life. It's what we do, every day, and our specialty. We can help you get on the right path to better health through nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Schedule a consultation today!