How to Sleep Better at Night
05 / 16 / 17

How to Sleep Better at Night

Getting a good night of sleep regularly is important for overall health and well-being, yet so many people struggle to keep a healthy sleep schedule. Sleep deprivation can be caused by many different reasons. Some people have trouble turning their mind off, others suffer from stress and anxiety which keeps them awake, and others simply are aging which can cause changes in sleep patterns. Another factor that can cause a change in sleep patterns and prevent people from getting a good night of sleep is a hormonal imbalance, sometimes caused by menopause in women or low testosterone in men.

There are things you can do to help get a good night of sleep. Try to create a sleep schedule and stick to it. This means, try to get into bed around the same time every night and wake up around the same time every day. Your body will get set on a routine. Another good thing to do to improve sleep is to cut off-screen time early. Give yourself enough time before bed to let your eyes relax and avoid any screen, including your phone. You can also create a relaxing environment by reading before bed, drinking tea, or listening to soothing music. Including exercise into your daily routine, and eating a healthy diet, can help improve sleep patterns as well.

If your sleep patterns do not improve, call your doctor and ask about a hormone test. Your body may have a hormonal imbalance. Women may be suffering from menopause, or men suffering from low testosterone. At LongevityMed we can help you find a solution to better sleep and better health. It’s what we do every day and our specialty. Take our hormone test for Men or Women today or schedule a consultation.