Tested for Low T
07 / 30 / 17

Men, It's Time to Get Tested for Low T

Getting treatment for low testosterone can be a serious game-changer. Many men suffer from low T without even realizing that something's wrong, instead of associating the symptoms with the natural aging process. These symptoms include low energy and fatigue, loss of lean muscle mass, weight gain, lack of sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms and you would like to get your life back on track and start feeling like your younger self again, it's time to get tested for low T.

As men age, it is natural for them to gradually lose testosterone. Low T is not just a symptom of aging, and can often arise from underlying health issues. These underlying health conditions include obesity, diabetes, infections, hormonal disorders, cancer, and kidney and liver disease. Some medications have also been known to lower testosterone levels.

There is treatment for low T and youthful vitality can be regained. Through treatment, you can experience an increase in energy, stamina, sex drive, strength, fitness, and overall well-being. Treatment can also help with reducing cholesterol levels, improving concentration and focus, and help create greater elasticity of the heart and other muscle tissue. The treatment has also helped men with arthritis, eczema, fibromyalgia, and psoriasis, along with other conditions.

At LongevityMed, we can help you get back on track. We offer testosterone replacement therapy for men.  It's what we do every day and our specialty. Are you ready to take back your life and be in control? Take our hormone test today to get started, or schedule a consultation today!