Testosterone Replacement and Prostate Cancer Risk
01 / 26 / 17

Testosterone Replacement and Prostate Cancer Risk

Using data from a study of over a quarter million patients, researchers from Sweden were able to determine that the risk of prostate cancer for men receiving testosterone replacement treatment was not higher than those who did not. This research was presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in San Diego, California.

The study was aimed to help provide information in the ongoing debate for the suggested link between Testosterone Replacement Therapy and the risk for Prostate Cancer. The study was conducted by New York University Langone Medical Center. Researchers there found that not only was there not an increased risk, but that men who received Testosterone Replacement Treatment for more than a year had a 50% lower chance of developing an aggressive form of prostate cancer in comparison to their non treated counterparts.

There had been up the point in this research a concern that testosterone replacement treatment in men may be linked to prostate cancer because the disease if often treated with drugs that lower levels of male sex hormones. Numerous studies have also shown that higher levels of testosterone in men are NOT associated with increased cancer risk. Contact us for more information.