Your Thyroid Gland
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Your Thyroid Gland: Don’t Overlook It!

In all discussions of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), a critical element of the discussion must include the Thyroid Gland and its purpose. The Thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck releases hormones that control our metabolism. It also plays a significant role in functions of the body such as breathing, heart rate, body weight, muscle strength, cholesterol, body temperature and much more.

The thyroid gland uses iodine from the foods we eat to produce two main hormones.
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)

T3 and T4 hormones must be maintained at levels that are neither too low nor too high. Levels that are too high (hyperthyroidism) may cause Anxiety, Irritability or Moodiness, Nervousness or Hyperactivity, Sweating and Hair Loss. Levels too low (hypothyroidism) can cause Poor Sleep, Fatigue or Tiredness, Dry Skin, Depression, and Joint and Muscle Pain. Assessing the Thyroid Gland for its ability to function normally and provide healthy levels of T3 and T4 is critical in determining the hormonal health of each of us, inclusive of the other more recognized hormones of Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone.

At LongevityMed we specialize in the assessment and treatment of hormone deficiency. It is our specialty. If you think that hormone deficiency may be an issue in your overall health and wellbeing we welcome you to schedule a consultation to learn more about how hormonal balance can improve your life.