Countless men and women have received treatment from LongevityMed and gained a new lease on life. Through processes such as hormone replacement therapy, we’ve helped our patients feel younger, stronger, and more vigorous; we have helped them lose weight and regain sexual vibrancy. We are proud to have so many satisfied customers, and on this page, you’ll get to hear directly from a few of them. Take a moment to learn more about the life-changing treatments offered here at LongevityMed and scroll through our men’s testimonials and women’s testimonials.

Men's Testimonials

Women's Testimonials

Four years ago, at 48, I suffered from severe fibromyalgia. I was seeing multiple doctors, taking multiple medications for the symptoms, with very little relief. A friend recommended HRT. At first, I was very skeptical, but thought I may as well give it a try. Within three months of starting HRT, I was able to discontinue four prescriptions. I began eating healthy, going to the gym, and within a year I had lost 40lbs. My energy level has soared, I feel better than I did 20 years ago. I still have fibromyalgia symptoms, but they are 80% better. The doctors at LongevityMed and HRT have given me the ability to take over my own health. I highly recommend HRT, and LongevityMed.

There is no guarantee of specific results. Results can vary.

As a very active female adult I never thought much about menopause, or as my Mother’s generation called it “the change of life.” Hearing menopause referred to as “the change of life” I thought was somewhat odd. But again I had always taken care of myself. I had been a runner from a very young age, I had been in the gym weight training for years, always taken care in eating the right foods, and just felt in control. I think from a naïve state of mind I thought I would sail through this natural stage of life... When I started experiencing overwhelming fatigue and insomnia I went to my Doctor. His response of prescribing a sleeping pill to me and reminding me that I was getting older led me to research about this so called natural stage of life, menopause. I felt that there must be something other than drugs that I could do... It was while researching menopause that I finally figured out why my Mother’s generation called this “the change of life”. I was CHANGED! I went from an active adult who was in control, loved and enjoyed life to someone who had rather sit on the couch! Along with my overwhelming fatigue and sleepless nights, I was experiencing night sweats, loss of mental focus, mood swings, weight gain (and my eating habits had not changed), loss of libido, depression, irritability, this was not the person I knew. I wanted “me” back. I am sure my husband did also.. So when my research led me to LongevityMed I was hopeful that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy would at the very least help with some of my symptoms. To my utter joy and amazement bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has given me back the life I knew..

No more symptoms! Everything is better than normal, it is great. My life is full, active, exciting and I can’t wait for another tomorrow with my husband! We are like teenagers again! I cannot thank the staff at LongevityMed enough!!!!!

There is no guarantee of specific results. Results can vary.

I began seeing [LongevityMed] in March of 2019. I was at the end of my ropes with migraines and problematic cycles. I was lucky enough to find [LongevityMed] thru a client of mine who spoke highly of them and her experience with treatment. I presented with cyclical migraines and unusually heavy cycles that would keep me bed ridden for almost two days. They were causing me to lose one to two days of work a month. I was immediately comforted by Tori over the phone when I inquired about me being considered a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy. The staff was all smiles the day I showed up for my first appointment and they were comforting and relatable. It’s a rarity these days to feel like a doctor is actually listening to you. They got me started on an easy and affordable regimen that day. I started feeling better in two weeks and have continued to improve since. We have made a few adjustments along the way but the entire process has just been so great and it has changed my life. I no longer miss work because of my cycles or migraines. I have more energy and I am less irritable. The staff is one in a million. I highly recommend their services.

There is no guarantee of specific results. Results can vary.

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