In my late forty’s I began to notice subtle changes in myself that were increasingly concerning to me. I had become moody, easily frustrated, less tolerant in dealing with everyday stress and sleep had become something that was more and more inconsistent nightly. As someone who had been physically active all of my life, I found it more difficult to do those things that for years I had enjoyed. Working in the yard, kayaking, regular walks, working out and spontaneously participating in activities with my wife. I was constantly tired, choosing to sit in my chair at night and wait for the time to get to bed, hoping that tonight would be that night that I found a good night’s sleep. I had these experiences and felt this way for three years. My wife, who at that same time had been researching on her own for natural hormone replacement therapy for women, did not allow my changing to go un-noticed. In fact, she began using some of her research time for natural hormone replacement therapy to go toward Andropause, the male equivalent to Menopause. That’s right…Menopause for men. Her research and subsequent “education” of me for this happening led me (and her!) to one of the most life changing decisions in our marriage, and for each of us as individuals. We found LongevityMed. Through the careful diagnosis and treatment the staff at LongevityMed I am excited to say I have my life back! They diagnosed my problem as Low testosterone. A very common occurance for men over the age of 40. With treatment of Testosterone Replacement Therapy I have new found energy, improved mood (which my wife loves!), I sleep better and have recovered my zest for life! My wife, who also is a patient for natural hormone replacement therapy also has recovered her youthful exuberance, energy, weight management, sleep and more.