Which Diet Works Best
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Which Diet Works Best? Here's What We Think.

There are so many diets out there with promises of weight loss and optimal health benefits, but how do you know which diet is right for you? At LongevityMed we suggest the following 3 diet plans for a healthy life.

The ProLon Fast

Fasting is when you refrain from eating and drinking or reduce the number of calories you eat and drink, for short periods of time. The ProLon fast is done over a 5 day period in order to promote regenerative and rejuvenating changes. This helps regulate aging, cholesterol, inflammation, and fasting glucose.

The LongevityMed Rapid Weight Loss Program

The Longevitymed Rapid Weight Loss program works by telling the hypothalamus, a part of your brain, to release your stored body fat. This is done by eating a low-calorie diet and by taking a hormone supplement designed specifically for the creative change in the hypothalamus function. The natural hormone tells your body to mobilize and utilize its own reserves, filling the bloodstream with a steady flow of energy and nutrients. This enables you to diet safely and comfortably while healthily losing weight. The program is done over either a 28 or 42 day period, depending on your personal goals and how much weight you want to lose.

The Mediterranean Diet

The emphasis is on fresh foods and not processed foods. This includes high consumption of vegetables, some fruits, bread, potatoes, beans, nuts and seeds, liberal use of olive oil, low to moderate amounts of dairy, fish, and poultry, low amounts of red meat, and eggs, and low to moderate wine consumption. A Mediterranean diet offers substantial protection against cancer, heart disease, major chronic illnesses, and also diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

You should always consult your doctor before starting a new diet plan. At LongevityMed we provide our patients with healthy and safe weight loss options. Your health is our priority. If you're ready to take control of your health, contact us to schedule a consultation, or take our weight loss test to get started.