Suffering from Metabolic Syndrome
05 / 23 / 17

You May be Suffering from Metabolic Syndrome

Struggling with being overweight is something that many people deal with. Losing weight is no easy task, and being overweight can lead to other health problems and leave you feeling unwell and exhausted most of the time. Weight gain can be caused by a number of things including an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and the natural aging process as our metabolisms slow down and we lose lean muscle mass. Weight gain can also be caused by underlying health issues. One in five Americans suffer from Metabolic Syndrome, and the rates continue to rise. Metabolic Syndrome, seen in people who are significantly overweight, is a combination of health disorders caused by obesity and other related factors.

According to the American Heart Association, Metabolic Syndrome is present if you have three or more symptoms including, a large waist circumference 35-40 inches or more, low HDL cholesterol, blood pressure higher than 130/85mmHg, fasting blood pressure higher than 100 gm/dL, or triglycerides higher than 150 mg/dL.

LongevityMed specializes in treating obesity and related illnesses like Metabolic Syndrome. We can help you lose weight in a healthy way, as well as help lower your blood pressure and get on the right track to a healthier lifestyle with diet, exercise, and supplementation. If you think you may be suffering from obesity or Metabolic Syndrome, take our weight loss test to get started, or schedule a consultation.